Akame | Discord Bot

Akame Commands

Find all Akame bot commands and information.
Credit: Hadi Koubeissi

Select Commands Category

Usage Examples:
/anime type: anime/manga anime_name: [The name of the anime/manga you want to search for.]

Usage Examples:
/schedule type: anime/manga anime_name: [The title of the anime or manga you want to get the schedule for.]

Usage Examples:
/character character_name: [The name of the character you want to search for.]

Usage Examples:
/staff staff_name: [The name of the staff member you want to search for.]

Usage Examples:
/studio studio_name: [The name of the studio you want to search for.]

Usage Examples:
/topanime criteria: [Choose the criteria for the top 50 animes.]

Usage Examples:
/topmanga criteria: [Choose the criteria for the top 50 manga.]

Usage Examples:
/guessthecharacter rounds: [Number of rounds for the game] time: [The time you have to guess in seconds. The default is 20 seconds]

Usage Examples:
/guesstheanime rounds: [Number of rounds for the game] time: [The time you have to guess in seconds. The default is 20 seconds]

Usage Examples:

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Usage Examples:
/searchc character_name: [enter the name of the character that you want to search for]

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Usage Examples:
/sendtrade target: [tag a user to trade with]
/sendtrade target: [tag a user to trade with] offer_characters: [what chracter you want to send to the user] request_coins: [amount of coins to get from the user]
you have more options so feel free to check it out

Usage Examples:
/mycharacters user: [tag a user]

Usage Examples:

Usage Examples:
/leaderboard leaderboard_type: [Server Leaderboard / Global Leaderboard] game_type: [Guess The Character / Anime Opening Quiz]

Usage Examples:
/guessthecharacter rounds: [Number of rounds for the game] time: [The time you have to guess in seconds. The default is 20 seconds]

Usage Examples:

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Usage Examples:
/hug user: [Tag a user that you want to hug.]

Usage Examples:
/kiss user: [Tag a user that you want to kiss.]

Usage Examples:
/kick user: [Tag a user that you want to kick.]

Usage Examples:
/slap user: [Tag a user that you want to slap.]

Usage Examples:
/kill user: [Tag a user that you want to kill.]

Usage Examples:
/highfive user: [Tag a user that you want to highfive.]

Usage Examples:
/pat user: [Tag a user that you want to pat.]

Usage Examples:
/lick user: [Tag a user that you want to lick.]

Usage Examples:
/wave user: [Tag a user that you want to wave to.]

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/poke user: [Tag a user that you want to poke.]

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/bite user: [Tag a user that you want to bite.]

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/bonk user: [Tag a user that you want to bonk.]

Usage Examples:
/yeet user: [Tag a user that you want to yeet.]

Usage Examples:
/smug user: [Tag a user that you want to smug toward to.]

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/wink user: [Tag a user that you want to wink to.]

Usage Examples:
/smile user: [Tag a user that you want to smile to.]

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Usage Examples:
/nsfw category: [Choose one from the list that will pop up]

Usage Examples:
/avatar user: [Tag a user]

Usage Examples:
/cat amount: [Choose the amount of images you want]

Usage Examples:
/dog amount: [Choose the amount of images you want]

Usage Examples:
/animestats type: [anime/manga] name: [Name of the anime or manga.]

Usage Examples:
/user user_name: [The name of the user you want to search for.]

Usage Examples:

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/userinfo user: [Tag the user that you want to get the information on.]

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/hsrplayer uid: [The Uid of the player you want to get the information on.]

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Usage Examples:
/setting maxclaim sellfee: [enter a valid number] - the sell fee in that the bot will take every time a user sell a chracter in your server.
/setting maxclaim max_claim: [enter a valid number] - the maximum amount that the same chracter can be claimed.
/setting resetcharacters - Reset all characters claimed in the guild.
/setting language - Set a language for Akame.

Usage Examples: